17 January 2010

Tell It Like It Is / We Need Each Other

Yesterday's blog was a great eye -opener for me. I have been getting up at 4 am so I was writing my post way before the sun came up,waiting for the coffee to brew. It's been kinda crumby weather lately, no sunshine for several days, Hubby is injured, Christmas is over, then came the terrible tragedy in Haiti,so all in all I was a wee bit down! Consequently when I started my post, it reflected my lack of positive energy. If there is anything I have learned in this life it is how important absolute truth is. I  will dig for truth like it is buried treasure. I would never try to hurt anyone's feelings by being cruel with the truth but I want to speak what is on my heart, and be understood in the moment.

Yesterday, I needed someone to tell me they understood, and they cared and that is exactly what you my friends did!!!!! You shared the journey.
You reached out. You were present.    Thanks........

As the day wore on the sun did shine and I did have a great day with the ladies at my woman's breakfast. Then today I discovered two family members that 
read my blog faithfully one of which commented that she checks it more than once a day.Wow such love.

Which leads me to the truth of this blog, We all need to be validated by the people in our lives, some of us are outgoing and upbeat- most of the time but we all need to be strengthened and encouraged by our friends and family.
If I were to say where I could have improved as a parent, I would say I didn't tell my kids  enough how awesome they were as they were growing up, Yes they knew I loved them and that I was always there for them. But if I could do it again I would tell them more often what they were doing right and ignore so much more of the imperfections! I hope you are listening guys as I know that I have the most wonderful adult children in the world!!!!

Do you remember the Amaryllis that I showed you blooming at  Christmas, well that stalk put forth 7 flowers and died as another stalk was popping through the soil and this one has 8 buds on it . Here is a picture of the second set of blooms, on the packaging the bulb came in, the description says 'Neon' "Perfect for bold interiors and outrageous personalities....Loves to shock and awe" 
My sister knew exactly what she was doing when she gave me this, we share the same air. She is the friend everyone wishes they had and I love her to pieces! 
Thanks Sis!
" A friend loves at all times" Proverbs 17:17

PS   The temperature has been above 32 degrees for two days in a row. It has  made me feel a bit spring like, so I changed my header to one of the pictures of the wedding flowers for Seth and Britt's Wedding Reception.
I will change it soon but I needed the color today.
Let the Son Shine!!!

Blessing, Meg.


My Grama's Soul said...

Hey Meg - Love that new header with the sunflower.

It is truly one of my favorite flowers. And your amaryllis - do I need say more!!!!! What a bloomer.

Got your package in the mail today as it has finally stopped raining in AZ.

Blessings to you friend,


kanishk said...

Love your vintage Valentines. I have a box of them somewhere in the clutter that I need to look for!

Work from home India

Leaon Mary said...

Oh Meg, I couldn't agree more... it's important to tell it like it is. I really appreciate your honesty and transparency.
Wish I would have popped in on this day when you needed a little pick me up. But I'm here now, and hope to encourage you.
I get those down days sometimes too. Round here; people call it a case of the mullygrubs. ANYHOW, may your day tomorrow be filled with SONSHINE!
Beautiful graphics you shared!
Holykisses xoxo Lea