Greetings from my garden home,
I had been trying to get seeds planted for our open house but we didn't get the heat situated on time so I was only able do a small amount since I have to bring them in every night to avoid the below freezing evenings we are having.I did however get the elephant ears divided up and they are on their way to stardom.The other seeds that are started here are the castor bean, a favorite of mine for a stunning exotic display.
More seedlings although not to far along.
Now I thought this would interest some of you as you work out in your gardens in the warm fresh air. What you see is the last of yesterday's snow melting on the north side exterior wall of the greenhouse and the next picture is the thermometer showing the temperature in the greenhouse with the doors open, keep in mind that this is a very cool windy day with the high to be about 48 degrees. I am so blessed to have this greenhouse to enjoy but hubby is sure hoping that it turns a profit after all the cash we've invested. Isn't life grand. Thanks for stopping by,